Oskar Forsberg is working with a range of different bands, such as:
Caius Cat trio his own inter-european modern jazz band, sometimes including guest such as Gunnar Åkerhielm, Jakob Hjalmarsson, Xavier Longchamp, Evaristo Perez and Katyhuska Robinson.
Funkotecs, Uppsala based funk band á la Maceo Parker.
Six Black Cordelias, Stockholm-London-Berlin. Rock band!
Emil Ingmar quintet and quartet, jazz/nu-jazz project. Originally a trio which sometimes use additional saxophone and trumpet.
Playing House saxophone with DJ’s, big band saxophonist, accompanying dancers at different modern art projects, swedish folk music and much much more. If you’re interested don’t hesitate to send me an email.
Borgen/World Peace
Please have a listen and look at my new video where I combine my interests of kayaking, achipelago, photography and playing sax.
Finally I have gotten a real Rotator software plug again, this time directly from the creator himself, Robby Kilgore. The rotator is a software in this case that for every note I play on my MIDI sax or whatever ads additional notes, from a pattern of intervals. Basically making my EWI into a mean chord … Continue reading “Rotator”
Youtube tutorials
I’ve been looking through my youtube account and cleaned up a bit as well as started working on adding some new videos. I’ll be making a series of woodwind (especially sax) tutorials which will come up later. I have so far experimented with tecniques and ideas to make them and have a few recorder demos … Continue reading “Youtube tutorials”
Uppsala Nya Tidning 3 aug 2017
Jättekul att få lite uppmärksamhet för det här projektet som jag verkligen brinner för efter flera år!
Robby Kilgore ‘Rotator’
It has been my dream for a long time to build a Rotator as Robby Kilgore calls it. You can see it in action in some videos below. I first got to know about this through my friend Bernhard Wagner and he also just built it so I could fool around with it! To tell … Continue reading “Robby Kilgore ‘Rotator’”
Den 25november är det premiär för mitt loopsax projekt. En liten grej då jag får testa olika idéer osv inför en publik! Just nu befinner jag mig på träningsläger i Kalix inför detta. OBS! Det är ett slutet event och ni kommer bara in om ni medelar mig i förväg! https://www.facebook.com/events/188466141559668/
The three guys in Caius Cat back together
We where finally re-united the whole group of three guys of Caius Cat in Alicante and Elche in south of Spain last week! The same day we arrived we did some rehearsing and a gig at the Jazz Bar in Alicante Villavieja 6. That was huge fun and felt great to be back together! Next … Continue reading “The three guys in Caius Cat back together”
Sax Encounters
The ”newly” started project Sax Encounters is bringing me a lot of joy and happiness lately! We have started to find a shape and form of the music and getting the sound together. At first when starting with the sax quartet I thought the gig opportunities would be few and that the audience would be … Continue reading “Sax Encounters”
The Christmas Song (video)
Merry Christmas from Me and Emil Ingmar!
Caius Cat trio – Caius Cat trio
Caius Cat trio Our second cd with Caius Cat Trio is now for sale in physical record stores as well as online, I’ve seen it in iTunes and Spotify so far! Thanks to Pedro Martinez Maestre, Raphael Nick and Gunnar Åkerhielm for the playing, Otto Niklasson Elmerås and Daniel Aldenmark at One Touch … Continue reading “Caius Cat trio – Caius Cat trio”
Six Black Cordelias – Release party!
Six Black Cordelias LIVE – Obaren Vad med o fira Six Black Cordelias debut album på Obaren med live framträdande av bandet. Six Black Cordelias har beskrivits som en blandningen mellan mörk psykedelisk rock och motown soul med ett smutsigt back beat som grund och den karismatiske Johan Johansson på sång. Debuten släpps den 20 … Continue reading “Six Black Cordelias – Release party!”
Uppsala Kulturnatt
På lördag är det dags för Uppsala Kulturnatt! Jag kommer spela med egen trio på Katalin, Vin/jazzbaren ett set vid 19.30, med Daniel Olsson på trummor och Mattias Åström på kontrabas. Mattias har jag aldrig spelat med tidigare, så det blir spännande! Dessutom har jag hört att det kommer vara något riktigt coolt på Nannaskolan … Continue reading “Uppsala Kulturnatt”
Proudly presenting!
I am very happy and excited to present: Caius Cat’s upcoming record! will be released on DO Music Records probably already in October this year! It is the material we recorded in One Touch Edit over one and a half year ago, but with the help of a lot of people and a lot of … Continue reading “Proudly presenting!”
Caius Cat in Sweden again!
So Pedro was visiting me again in Sweden, this time with his cool girlfriend. We went kayaking, had a few drinks and did a really cool gig in Uppsala at Creperie Lemonie and another with great weather outside in Skansen, Stockholm at Gubbhyllan! We also did the annual Family concert in Linnés Sävja, playing music … Continue reading “Caius Cat in Sweden again!”
Uppsala Summerchestra
Nu är vi igång! För andra året kör jag tillsammans med Uppsalas mest intresserade ungdomar Uppsala Summerchestra med hjälp av Uppsala Musikskola, Kultur i Vården och ”Sommarjobb och Feriepraktik”. Det är altså ett drömsommarjobb för de som gillar musik. Förra veckan repeterade vi och med start from idag så gör vi 21 spelningar på äldreboenden, … Continue reading “Uppsala Summerchestra”
Caius Cat Quartet
Two weeks ago I had amazing bassist Pedro Martinez Maestre visiting me and we worked hard with our Caius Cat project. This time with two (for us) new musicians, Jakob Hjalmarsson playing drums and AWESOME Gunnar Åkerhielm playing piano. Did a couple of gigs on quartet and three on duo as Caius Cat duo, that … Continue reading “Caius Cat Quartet”
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