Caius Cat record Reviews

I’ll collect the links to reviews that we get for our NEW Caius Cat trio record here:

”Oskar Forsberg briljerar med sina saxofoner”


Makma (In Spanish)

Newspaper review:

Uppsala Nya Tidning (In Swedish)

Newspaper review:

Radui Alcoy (In Italian)

Radio review:

Zibaldone (In Spanish)

Spanish podcast: at 1.45.00 aprox.

Tomajazz (in Spanish)


Thank you for an awesome review! Tomajazz!!

our music starts at 00:58:00 aprox and the review is in the beginning!

Caius Cat trio – Caius Cat trio

Caius Cat trio


Our second cd with Caius Cat Trio is now for sale in physical record stores as well as online, I’ve seen it in iTunes and Spotify so far!
Thanks to Pedro Martinez Maestre, Raphael Nick and Gunnar Åkerhielm for the playing, Otto Niklasson Elmerås and Daniel Aldenmark at One Touch Edit music production for recording, Pawel Lucki for final master, Jorge Ochagavia and David Delgado for Cover Design, Daniel Lantz and Do Music Records for Record Labelling and all friends and family supporting us!

All saints day concert (allahelgonaafton)

Me and my dad have been booked a long time for the concert we did tonight in Danmarks kyrka outside of Uppsala.

We’ve been working a lot past week with the material. We picked and choosed some of our favorite songs, both of our own and from idols such as Zawinul, Pastorious, Shorter and Lars Gullin. We’ve been going through every song meticulously thinking and testing out all the little details as well as the big sound. It’s been a very fun and rewarding process, and one that unfortunately is not possible to do in most projects because of lack of time and budget, we did how ever put the time into it this time.

Today I started getting nervous though, by the idea of playing overly complex fusion songs, mixed up with some blues and gospel songs in a Church on a big church day with synthesizers and an audience compound of the regular church visitors, and maybe one or two of our friends.

I really loved playing this concert, the full sound and acoustics of a medieval church (it is 700years old!) was amazing to feel and I think we both did a good job and went in there well prepared. I had no idea what the audience was feeling about it though, even afterwards I was skeptical. However, I have never in my life received so many messages and emails from peoples thanking me for a show as tonight. I feel really happy that we managed to get our music and emotions across and that it touched so many peoples, this have been amazing!

Thank you!

Upcoming Release

The CD’s have arived and we’ve been starting to ship it around the world, to prepare for the official release the 13th of November.

Check out our labels website for more information!dmrcd-027/cp4x

I will also update this space when it is available in online shops.



Caius Cat Trio

Young Swedish-Spanish-Swiss jazz trio Caius Cat Trio launch their self-titled debut album, packed with their unique, imaginative music, which tends to let traditions of jazz break new ground. Oskar Forsberg is the inspired tenor saxophonist from Sweden, schooled in the playing of Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane, who challenges his roots in experiments with novel harmonic and improvisational soundscapes. Spanish bass player Pedro Martinez Maestre, located in Switzerland, secures the groove and provides this airy trio with the requisite harmonic energy usually called for by the piano or guitar. Finally, Swiss drummer Raphael Nick showcases his versatility as an expressive and intuitive musician, setting the framework for the exciting sound of the trio. As a special treat, Caius Cat Trio introduces the skillful Swedish jazz pianist Gunnar Åkerhielm on a couple of tracks. This group presents some exhilirating music, constantly with one foot in the past, and the other in the future.

Oskar Forsberg, tenor sax
Pedro Martinez Maestre, double bass
Raphael Nick, drums

Guest: Gunnar Åkerhielm, piano on #3 & #5

Recorded by Otto Niklasson Elmerås and Daniel Aldenmark at One Touch Edit Studios in Stockholm in March 2014. Mixed by Oskar Forsberg. Mastered by Pawel Lucki. Produced by Caius Cat Trio. Executive production by Daniel Lantz.

Official release date: November 13 2015.

1. Friendship
2. Arabesque Pour Estela
3. On Fry Street
4. Sketches
5. Kusselbe (bonus track)

Total time: 50 mins. approx.

Six Black Cordelias – Release party!

Six Black Cordelias LIVE – Obaren

Vad med o fira Six Black Cordelias debut album på Obaren med live framträdande av bandet.

Six Black Cordelias har beskrivits som en blandningen mellan mörk psykedelisk rock och motown soul med ett smutsigt back beat som grund och den karismatiske Johan Johansson på sång. Debuten släpps den 20 november och första singeln släpps 30 oktober.


Harem Nights

I have had the great pleasure to play saxophone together with cool DJ’s and awesome percussionist Elia Jarjis on two occasions during September. It’s been huge parties and awesome visitors, as a house-sax guy I sometimes feel a bit out of place and people have a tendency to treat you like any piece of shit laying around, but these guys and gals hanging around at these parties have been amazing. I have not been treated this good and honest that often.

And as a bonus, pretty much all of the staff at Victoria and from the event management team and club management team have been treating me very nicely too!

Just wanna give a big hand to everyone and say thank you!

Oh yeah, check them out at Harem Nights and on facebook!

All photos are from their facebook page:


Uppsala Kulturnatt

På lördag är det dags för Uppsala Kulturnatt!

Jag kommer spela med egen trio på Katalin, Vin/jazzbaren ett set vid 19.30, med Daniel Olsson på trummor och Mattias Åström på kontrabas. Mattias har jag aldrig spelat med tidigare, så det blir spännande!

Dessutom har jag hört att det kommer vara något riktigt coolt på Nannaskolan kl 17 och 18, det händer massor med grejer med Uppsala Jazzklubb på Katalin och dessutom spelar såklart Grievous Angels någonstans! Cool natt, önskar bara varje helg vore såhär i Uppsala…

Sedan kommer jag dra till Stockholm för att spela på Harem Nights.

Utöver detta börjar vi spela in nästa skiva med Six Black Cordelias.


Proudly presenting!

I am very happy and excited to present:

Caius Cat’s upcoming record!

will be released on DO Music Records probably already in October this year!

It is the material we recorded in One Touch Edit over one and a half year ago, but with the help of a lot of people and a lot of invested time and money it seems as if we’re actually gonna finish this now.

Caius Cat trio is the modern jazz (i.e sixties jazz with a bit of free/atonal too it) trio that I run together with my long time friend and colleague Pedro Martinez Maestre. This bass player and me met first in Texas in 2011 where we booth studied at University of North Texas at the time. Since Pedro moved back to Barcelona and then to Switzerland we’ve kept the project not only going but also accelerating. About two years ago master drummer Ralph Nick joined us and it was love at first note! We’ve been playing mainly in Sweden and Switzerland but also did a tour in Barcelona and another one 2014 in Alicante and Elche, where we was a main act at the Elx Jazz Festival! I believe over the years we’ve done around 50-60 shows. Which is not bad for a vocal-less jazz band that lives 2400km apart from eachother.

Check out some previews here:

Caius Cat in Sweden again!

So Pedro was visiting me again in Sweden, this time with his cool girlfriend. We went kayaking, had a few drinks and did a really cool gig in Uppsala at Creperie Lemonie and another with great weather outside in Skansen, Stockholm at Gubbhyllan!

We also did the annual Family concert in Linnés Sävja, playing music dating back to my grand-fathers father, grand-pa, dad, sisters and me! Pretty cool, but so far no photos. Though I am happy we all survived this the toughest test any family can go through.

Uppsala Summerchestra

Nu är vi igång!

För andra året kör jag tillsammans med Uppsalas mest intresserade ungdomar Uppsala Summerchestra med hjälp av Uppsala Musikskola, Kultur i Vården och ”Sommarjobb och Feriepraktik”. Det är altså ett drömsommarjobb för de som gillar musik. Förra veckan repeterade vi och med start from idag så gör vi 21 spelningar på äldreboenden, demensboenden och andra vårdboenden. Musiken är ett urval av gamla visor och sånger, vissa arrangerade i mer eller mindre moderna arrangemang.

En av mina favoriter är en västerbottnisk hambo som vi kör som bluegrass, eller en finsk vals ”Emma” där vi kör kanon, fioler mot tuba. Jag gillar också våran version av Lars Gullins ”Danny’s dream” eller gitarristen Eric Lindh’s arrangemang av Taube’s Änglamark. Det är mycket bra musik med andra ord!

Med i orkestern har vi i år fiol, viola, klarinett, trumpet, altsax, tenorsax, barrytonsax, fagott, sousafon, kontrabas, gitarr och trummor!

Ett grymt gäng med mycket ös!

Följande är ur Musikskolans utskick:

Uppsala Summerchestra – Feriearbete som musiker

Nu drar elva musikaliska Uppsalaungdomar igång konserter på äldreboenden och i stadsdelscentra runt om i Uppsala.

Uppsala musikskola har i samarbete med enheten Feriearbete och företag på arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen anställt 11 uppsalaungdomar som tillsammans bildar ensemblen Uppsala Summerchestra under ledning av musikläraren Oskar Forsberg.

Repetitionerna är klara och under perioden 29 juni – 10 juli ges konserter framför allt på äldreboenden och servicehus runt om i kommunen.
8 juli hålls en offentlig konsert på Grand inne i Uppsala

29 juni: Stenhagen 10.30 och 11.30 samt Omtanken 13.00
30 juni: Höganäs 11.00 och Liljeforstorg 4 14.00
1 juli: Årstagården 11.00 och Glimmervägen 14.00
2 juli: Björkgården, Knutby 11.00 och Andreas Ands minne 13.00
3 juli: Balders vårdboende 11.00 och Sandellska huset 14.00
6 juli: Eriksdahlsgården 11.00 och Förenade Care Tunåsen 13.30
7 juli: Dalbyhemmet 11.00 och Västergården 14.00
8 juli: Topelius Nyby 15.00 och Public Show på Grand 19.00
9 juli: Myrbergska gården 11.00 och Linnés Sävja 14.00
10 juli: Victum Sävja 14.00

Uppsala Summerchestra 2015 42

Piteå sommarakademi

Jag åker upp till Piteå denna vecka för att gå kurs i klassisk flöjt och klassisk saxofon på Piteå sommarakademi! Ska bli skitkul då det var länge sedan jag tog flöjtlektioner och jag nog har en och annan brist som kan behöva rättas till… Sist jag tog flöjtlektioner var 2008 i Prag, då gick jag för Petr Grau. Klassisk saxofonmusik har jag egentligen bara spelat en gång i livet, då var det Glazunovs saxofonkonsert på en provspelning.

Jag kommer också ta med mig lite flöjter, saxofoner, klarinetter samt munstycken, rör och ligaturer från Selma Music som finns för provning och försäljning under kursen. Bl.a Otto Link New York och Vintage munstycken, Jody Jazz, nya Vandoren REED CUT och V21 rör, Hemke, några vintage munstycken, fina Yanagizawa saxar och lite okändare märken samt massvis av roliga flöjter!

Hör av er till mig om ni vill testa eller köpa, ta en fika eller hänga! 0736372066


Six Black Cordelias @ Nordic Noise Festival, Copenhagen

So I did my first gig ever at a hard rock/metal festival, at least from what I can recall. I am not really sure about the exact categorizing, but somewhere along that line came this Swedish ”Rock, blues (psycadelica?) band” and made a pretty nice performance. There was a camera crew and a video crew and as soon as I get my hands on that I’ll update the post.

The festival was at location Pumpehuset or PH cafét, a place I visited before during Copenhagen Jazz Festival. I also wanna make a shoot out for the best brunch I had in a long time at Café Obelix at Versterbro Square.

I just wanna keep on with a music tips, found out a band called Morphine. So I’ll post a video of them until I get to find the videos of our performance. BTW, there’s some videos already on the facebook page Six Black Cordelias

Caius Cat Quartet

Two weeks ago I had amazing bassist Pedro Martinez Maestre visiting me and we worked hard with our Caius Cat project. This time with two (for us) new musicians, Jakob Hjalmarsson playing drums and AWESOME Gunnar Åkerhielm playing piano.

Did a couple of gigs on quartet and three on duo as Caius Cat duo, that we’ve been doing a lot before. Aswell as some street jams with dreadlock-girl, Markus Sundbom on sax and some other loose peoples…

We did some low budget recordings that I am gonna post here and facebook soon, but for now enjoy these photos 🙂

Exciting week!

This week is full of exciting things!

Monday: We will guest Anders Widmark’s club House of Widmark with Emil Ingmar quintet.

Thursday: At one a.m (01.00) I’ll be on the national radio station P3 playing saxophone live for benefiting the fundraising to prevent aids and hiv, called Musikhjälpen.

Same day but at aprox. 21.00 we will play again with Emil Ingmar quintet at Pub 19 for the same fundraising cause.

Saturday: Is gig with Funkotecs and traditional Lucia celebration at the same time.

Update: Saturday and Sunday I will also play at Boule bar in Stockholm from 11-15.