I had the luck of finally finding two of my dream horns! A Buescher True Tone 1929 barritone and a Buescher Aristocrat 50’ies alto saxophone! We’re gonna have some fun together. Just waiting to find a True Tone tenor now…
Saxophonist, sound engineer and teacher
I had the luck of finally finding two of my dream horns! A Buescher True Tone 1929 barritone and a Buescher Aristocrat 50’ies alto saxophone! We’re gonna have some fun together. Just waiting to find a True Tone tenor now…
Make sure to check out the rock band Six Black Cordelias!
I have been making some rocky sax solos for this production and rehearsals just have begun…
Caius Cat just finished a week long stay in Alcant region of Spain with a big gig at Elche Jazz Festival!
It was almost fully booked and Caius Cat Trio was the only band playing this evening, around 300 guests in this magnificent old castle.
Enjoy the photos!
Denna vecka inleder Uppsala Summerchestra, som är namnet på Uppsala musikskolas sommarorkester, sina konserter efter en veckas repetitioner.
Orkestern består av blås – och slagverkselever från Uppsala musikskola.
Vård & bildnings sommarförmedling/Uppsala kommun stödjer verksamheten. Ledare är musikläraren och saxofonisten Oskar Forsberg.
Konserter ges på äldreboenden och i stadsdelcentra runt om i kommunen under två veckor.
Nästa vecka ses och hörs orkestern kl 12 på måndag vid Celsiustorget och samma tid i Gottsunda centrum på tisdag och i Stenhagen på onsdag.
13 June – Årstagården
24 June – Vänge Äldreboende
25 June – Dalbyhemmet
26 June – Västergården
27 June – Sävja Hus
30 June – Celsiustorget
1 July – Gottsunda Centrum
1 July – Bernadotte Äldreboende
2 July – ICA Maxi
2 July – Träffpunkt Ramund
3 July – Årstagården
4 July – Liljeforstorg
Had a great time last Friday playing a wedding gig with awesome guys, Gerry Lopez – sax, Evaristo Perez – piano, Pedro Martinez – bass and Bruno on drums! Location was an beautiful place just next to the UN headquarters in Geneva
Here comes two awesome videos from Caius Cat in Sweden!
”Three years ago I had a discussion with Sam about Coltrane changes and some kind of practicing technique, I ended up spending 10-12 hours straight in the practice room rewriting ”On Green dolphin street” with some Coltrane Changes. I tried to play and record it with Se-jeong and maybe Felix too. Let it rest for a while and then we picked it up again withCaius Cat Trio (Me, Raphael and Pedro) some months ago.
While this awesome gang was here almost two weeks ago we were practicing and playing around the clock to prepare for our big recording session. This video is from our last day before hitting the studio.
If you care about me or see me as a friend I’d say you should watch it. I’m proud of what I’ve learned so far and I love playing with this guys and how it all sounds, and I hope you’ll like to take part of it!
It’s recorded with a stereo mic setup straight to old analogue tape, for those of you into filming/editing try to imagine that work to make it all sync together
Lastly I just want to wish you all a great evening!”
The first (of many?) workshop I did ever and the first that Uppsala Jazz Collective hosted was last Friday at Upplands Nation in Uppsala. It was a really great evening with a two hour workshop, hamburgers, a concert with JazzConfusion (a big hand to Daniel Angebrandt), and then a long fun jam session. Lots of great players and peoples around made for a great evening and atmosphere.
Thank you all!
Photos from http://galleri.2or4.se/Musik/2014/uppsala-jazz-collective-pa-upplands-nation
Nu på fredag håller jag en Workshop i Jazz improvisation tillsammans med Uppsala Jazz Collective.
Läs mer och anmäl dej nedan!
”En workshop i jazzimprovisation med Oskar Forsberg och JazzConfusion för dig som vill inspireras, utvecklas och ha kul.”
”Uppsala Jazz Collective är en sammanslutning som är öppen för alla som älskar jazz. Vårt mål är att göra jazzen hipp igen genom att arrangera jazzklubbar, spelningar och andra events för att lyfta fram jazzmusiken.”
Final recordings finished. Here together with Gunnar Åkerhielm that got in on two of our tunes!
With the longest rehearsals we ever had, gig every evening and lots of preparations for the first long studio day we’re pretty tired at the moment in Caius Cat. However I am at the moment at Stockholm Youth Jazz festival playing with my students in Uppsala Musikskolas Storband.
Tomorrow is gonna be competition playing with the big band and then back to the studio the rest of the day and night. So for now, I am finishing with a picture borrowed from my friends at One Touch Edit!
Just got back from a little vacation with some rehearsing with Caius Cat Trio for the upcoming gigs at St Clara (26/3) and Hijazz (27/3) plus studio recording next weekend in One Touch Edit‘s studio. I am really excited about that, especially the recording sessions that’s gonna be awesome!
Scheduling will be busy though, Pedro and Raphael are gonna be here for five days and then there’s the ongoing Stockholm Youth Jazz Festival where one big band I’m co-teaching will participate and try to win this year as well! See Uppsala Musikskolas Storband.
Then the first weekend of April I am teaching a Jazz Improvisation Workshop together with Uppsala Jazz Collective, see here: uppsalajazz.getconfetti.com
Going through songs and music for upcoming last minute gig this Friday, and finding again one real big favorite of mine. Queen Latifah doing an amazing version of Mercy, mercy, mercy. Check it out!
Now we got an awesome band together with Estonian bass player Mai Agan, pianist Jonatan Guzman, drummer Stefan Bergman, guitarist Anders Johansson, me and Anders Bengtsson!
Check it out! This friday at Pub Nitton in Uppsala!
As a part of the Copenhagen Winter Jazz Festival, my favorite Danish bar/nightclub had their Republic Winter Festival and we where able to go there with SZ Conspiracy and make a wonderful gig. I really want to give a big hand to the wonderful staff arranging this festival and running this place. Thank you for a great evening and we hope to get back soon, as soon as the weather is warmer and nicer!
I am currently working really hard to get all projects ”a float” and running. It’s a busy job setting up a Record label, Turbo Sax, as well as record, mix and produce your own recordings. We have got a tight deadline with Caius Cat trios first official record coming out in March, with a small release tour in Sweden. But already before that, before anything, I am going back to Switzerland to play a couple of gigs next week with the band. See the gig list below. I am very very excited about this week, I can’t wait!
Then we got our first international gig with SZ Conspiracy, playing at Kayak Republic in Copenhagen 21st of February!
Caius is also having a residency in Barcelona first week in May, I can imagine that will be a blast! In the meantime I am also teaching another semester, at the moment five days a week. We are in the planning of a workshop here in Uppsala for all interested music lovers, but more info will come when it’s official.
Thanks to my dear friend Johan that showed me Photoshop and made a graphical profile for me my work comes out a bit nicer, don’t ya’ll think?
Gigs in Switzerland with Caius Cat (January):
14th Jam Session, Geneva
15th Buzz Club, Lausanne
16th Diese Pub (again!), Bex
18th Cave Marignac, Geneva
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